Eran Kampf
Eran Kampf
2 min read

Moving to Brinkster

After reading this post at Dror’s blog I decided that paying ~5$ a month for 3GB of storage is an awsom deal so I just signed up for a year.
This deal includes a free domain name registration so maybe I’ll register a new domain name in addition to the already existing (I also need to find out how to point to the new host).

Anyway, brinkster still got their 50% off deal for another day so you should check it out if you’re interested…

(Oh, and please use me as your referral if you decide to buy by using the following link !🙂)

Update (1/1/2006)

Turns out that on the Pro. package brinkster only support 1 (!?) ASP.NET application root which means I can’t run my blog, gallery, etc.
Brinkster support claim I have to purchase the Developers package in order to have support for more than one application root.
The Developers package costs more than 2 times the Pro. package and I do not see any reason to pay that much when all I need is 3-5 application roots
on my current package.
I’ve sent an angry mail to Brinkster support but currently the situation doesn’t look too good. Guess I’ll keep my current host for now…

Update (4/1/2006)

Brinkster cancelled my account and gave me a refund. I got no response about the reasons why I left.
Too bad for Brinkster…