What's wrong with this code? #1
I decided to start a new column gathering all sorts of “what’s wrong with this code?” snippets. Why?
- Its fun.
- Its good for interview questions.
- It starts discussions. More interesting than just talking (or writing) to myself.
So, here’s what I plan:
- I post a code snippet (most probably C# but I’m not setting constraints on myself)
- You comment on what’s wrong with the code on the snippet
- I post my answer, interesting comments, etc. (you can comment on my answer too! 😉)
I know there are many “What’s wrong with this code?” out there already. I’ll try not to recycle (too much ;)) When looking at these snippets note the following “Bad Code” classifications: Confusing code, Overly complex code, Performance Issues, Buggy. So, to start with an easy one (I think), check out the following Singleton implementation:
public sealed class Singleton
private Singleton() { }
private static Singleton _insatnce;
private static object _syncRoot = new Object();
public static Singleton Instance
lock (_syncRoot)
if (Singleton._insatnce == null)
Singleton._insatnce = new Singleton();
return Singleton._insatnce;
Update July 16th, 2007: I’ve posted the answer and a summary on the comments at the following post.