First Week at Redmond
I’ve been working here at Redmond for a little over a week now. I’m already fully merchandised with Microsoft office products (notebooks, pens etc.) and I’ve even got my employee access card so I can now move freely around the campus without requiring escort.
If you’ll ever visit Redmond here are the top 5 things to do on campus:
- Check out the Microsoft Visitors Center (Building 127).
- Especially the XBOX360 room where you can spend some time playing Halo3
- Shop at Microsoft company store
- Where you can buy all sorts of Microsoft T-Shirts\Bags\Pens\etc.
- If you’re an employee (or got one willing to donate some credit with you) you can also buy Microsoft software and hardware products at ridiculous prices…
- Take a hike (Its really nice out there when its not raining\snowing\foggy\freezing cold)
- Check out the intranet web pages and read specs (lots of specs)