Eran Kampf
Eran Kampf
1 min read

My Moo Cards

My Moo MiniCards finally arrived!
The Moo MiniCards are like a ‘hip’ little full color business cards that can also teach us a lesson in product innovation – mutating a standard product we all know by changing some of its properties to make it unique.
By making they’re card about half the size of a standard business card and featuring a a full-color picture Moo turned their product from the same old business card everyone is making to a unique and interesting product that creates a buzz (and a brand).


Designing these little cards is a simple process as Moo connects to your Flickr account and provides an simple interface to select and manipulate the pictures you want printed.
On the back side you can put a thumbnail and some text. I decided to go with the ‘modern’ look with just my name and my homepage address.

Now I need to start passing them along… Maybe TechEd !🙂

Oh, and you can also turn them into small magnet cards… Nice…


Some more pictures on my Flickr set….