Eran Kampf
Eran Kampf
1 min read

Apology to My Readers (Buggy dasBlog Contact Form)

There’s nothing that pleases me (and I guess, any blog owner) more than getting feedback on my blog.
While I do my best to respond to comments as soon as possible some of you who contacted me through dasBlog’s contact form are probably wondering why I’m ignoring you. Well, I’m not!

It seems like there’s a bug in dasBlog’s form – although the form specifically asks for your E-mail address it does not use that information for anything.
So when I get the email notification I only get the comment text without the E-mail to respond to (unless your signature includes it).

I will replace this form with a better alternative as soon as I get home.
If you’ve been waiting for my response please accept my sincere apologies and feel free to write again (and include your email in the comment text).