
Golden Testing Helm Charts
We love tests at Twingate. When working on the Twingate’s helm charts repository I wanted to incorporate testing like we do with other code. For a long time our release process requires a long process of manual testing - every change to the chart’s templates required a manual process of testing the chart with various inputs to make sure it still works as expected. Enter golden tests as a way to automate this process…

Zero Downtime Django (gunicorn) Deployments on GKE
We recently switched to Twingate’s GKE load balancer to use Google’s new Container-native load balancer.
The premise was good - LB talks directly to pods and saves an extra network hops,
(with classic LB, traffic goes from LB to a GKE node which then, based on iptables
configured by kube-proxy, get routed to the pod) and should perform better, support more features, and in general we’d rather be on google’s maintained side and not on legacy tech.