Software Development

Insight: Hiring Developers
There’s a very interesting blog post over at Raw Thought on the topic of hiring developers. It offers the following insight on hiring:

Data Mining — Handling Missing Values the Database
I’ve recently answered Predicting missing data values in a database on StackOverflow and thought it deserved a mention on DeveloperZen.

Introduction to MapReduce for .NET Developers
The basic model for MapReduce derives from the map and reduce concept in functional languages like Lisp.
In Lisp, a map takes as input a function and a sequence of values and applies the function to each value in the sequence.
A reduce takes as input a sequence of elements and combines all the elements using a binary operation (for example, it can use “+” to sum all the elements in the sequence).

99 Ways to Become a Better Developer
I’ve encountered this post on my weekend reading — 91 Surefire Ways to Become an Event Greater Developer. It contain a comprehensive guide linking to all sort of blog posts providing insights on improving your skills as a developer.

How Do You Define "Good Code"?
I was on a phone interview the other day where I was asked for my definition of “Good Code”.